Exploring Limitless Potential.
Bringing Ideas To Scale.
We’re not afraid of revolutionary change because it’s been at the center of our trajectory for more than 30 years across more than a dozen industries. We’ve taken technology from our imaginations into households worldwide, and we’re always looking for the next great idea—not because it’s a straight line to profit but because we’re risk-takers who love a good story.
Ours started with two teenage brothers and a lawn-mowing business.
Let’s hear yours.

Our goal is not to foretell the course of the revolution.
We aim to contribute to its construction. Across our diverse and forward-thinking portfolio in AI, education, medical devices, SaaS, and marketplace businesses, our core focus is harnessing and nurturing talent with a strong emphasis on unleashing the full potential of data, insights, and machine learning to unlock new possibilities and create a better future.
We bring more than just capital to the table. We work closely with founders to provide strategic guidance, mentorship, and access to our extensive industry experts and advisors network. We believe in the power of collaboration and are committed to working with our portfolio companies to help them succeed.